Vienna Coffee Company

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ReDiscover || Organic Stone Church Blend

The evolution of green coffee is impactful from seed to cup

Offering insight on the development of our specialty coffee blends, especially ones that provide variety and quality, is important to us. This is why we would like to reintroduce our USDA Certified Organic Stone Church blend.

Our USDA Certified Organic Stone Church Blend.

At Vienna Coffee Company (VCC), we have developed quite the catalog of coffees over the years. And while our Organic Stone Church blend is no stranger, we wanted to revisit its flavor profile to ensure it remains as divine as remembered. Every VCC coffee goes through several cuppings to guarantee each unique roast and bring out the perfect combination of tasting notes. 

The roast profile on this blend offers a medium body, while the taste profile presents notes of buttery shortbread, dark fruits, and delicate citrus. All this comes together to provide a remarkable cup, especially as an espresso or drip coffee.  

Furthermore, we wanted to highlight an equally significant element to this blend.

Stone Church comes from the sustainable practices of not one, but three, organically certified coffee farms in the coffee belt region.

This organic blend currently combines exceptional coffees from farms in Guatemala, Papua New Guinea, and Ethiopia, making it an essential product that aligns with our vision at VCC.  

We always strive to ensure responsible sourcing from bean to cup, while maintaining sustainability in our economic, environmental, and relational interactions. All this is to ensure that you are continuing to receive craft coffee rooted in excellence. We have no doubt that our Organic Stone Church blend embodies just that.  


Our dedication to ensuring that we are a market leader in craft coffee throughout the southeast dictates that we apply the same critical scrutiny used for our complete coffee lineup to any product we offer. 

This commitment demonstrates our continued pursuit to provide craft coffee that enriches the lives of customers and producers alike by providing an experience grounded in excellence and hospitality. We custom pick our green coffee beans from regions across The Coffee Belt and always seek responsible sourcing from seed to cup.

Our roasting team ensures each bean varietal is roasted according to its characteristics to enhance its peak flavors. Vienna Coffee Company goes further by evaluating each varietal harvest through coffee cuppings to evaluate and adjust its roasting profile.

Explore our complete line of coffees online or stop by the Coffee House and let our baristas do the brewing for you. We hope that exploring what we offer (whether its organic, single-origin, a VCC custom blend or your favorite flavored coffee) continues your journey in discovering that “Great Coffee is an Adventure”.